The winter 2012/13 will probably go into the history books as one of the longest all over Europe in a very long time. Jakob was running through the first snow late October in grandma Heidi's backyard and today both in Hoerbranz as well as Vienna roofs and streets are covered in snow again. It's about time to end the winter though and let spring really begin. Easter markets appear more like christmas markets and Easter Eggs might be found on a white bed rather than on green grass. Jakob definitely is on spring mode already and has the last few days, before snowfall set in in Vorarlberg, trained big time his biking skills and has made significant leaps forward from autumn. He now easily cycles a couple of kilometers on his second hand holiday bike we bought for him together with uncle Werner and aunt Renate. As a consequence he drops dead to bed in the evening. Lately even with grandma Heidi and yesterday even at uncle Werner and aunt Renate's place! Its fair to say, that he has matured.

Enough of that white stuff!
Our little treasure Julia has quite exciting weeks behind her as well. On March 17th she had her big day at church when she was christened in the Verklaerungskirche am Tabor in Vienna and enjoyed a great day with the big family from the Burgenland as well as Vorarlberg. Unlike Jakob, who was christened 6 months younger we gave Julia the chance to decide herself a little bit as she actually could have walked out in case she did not like it. But apart from watching the priest a bit skeptical before and even more so after water was poured on her head she had fun with the big crowd in the church.
After the ceremony with godmother and godfather
For now we are separated as Markus is back in Vienna working still this week while Julia, Jakob and Kerstin are already enjoying Easter holidays in Vorarlberg. Excitement and fun is guaranteed and the hope for sunshine, warmer temperatures and green grass in the backyard is still intact.
Julia, Jakob, Kerstin & Markus