2009 is history, but kept well in our memories. In order to celebrate the beginning of the new decades we did plan a nice evening at home with Heidi, her brother Manfred and his family (Lissi, Barbara & Monica) and Markus has gathered some pyrotechnical gadgets in order to shy away any evil spirits. While New Year’s Eve is probably the most horrible night for animals kept in homes, be it cats or dogs, as the cracking of fireworks makes them feel very uncomfortable. Heidi’s cat Tom for example disappeared undiscoverable in the cellar late afternoon of the 31st and resurfaced again in the early hours of the New Year when the cracking died off.
Not a hangover, but recovering from a stressful night
Kerstin and Markus did somehow expect and fear that Jakob might have issues with the noise as well, but were completely surprised by the peaceful sleep he had. The junior could not even be bothered by the bangs while he was feeding shortly before midnight. What was concerning though, was that the peaceful sleep seemed to have found an end once Kerstin and Markus went to bed. should they be worried?
"No need to be around me all the time anymore."
The first days of the year were on the one hand lazy as apart from a walk with the stroller allowing Jakob a good set of sleep in the fresh air and watching the ski jumping events in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Innsbruck – part of the 4 hills tournament - not much else was on the agenda. Jakob was the most active one of the family as he started attempts to crawl (albeit backwards) and perfected his sitting skills. By now the little sunshine is sitting completely on his own playing with his wooden bricks, balls or pillows and to a certain extent does not even need company or interaction from anyone. It feels like Kerstin and Markus regain some sort of freedom again in small steps.
Jakob, Kerstin & Markus