Here we are on December 31st and it feels as if the year 2009 has only just started. While we could not expect the year 2008 to end given it has been laden with quite a lot of negative events on all different ends, this time round we almost have the opposite attitude. Even though the economic crisis casted very dark clouds early in the year we have seen a significant improvement from March onwards. For us the birth of our beloved son Jakob in July was the dominating event, which helped us leave the economic woes aside as our focus was on the enlargement of the family. Once Jakob has arrived our life has reached a completely different dimension. Things changed completely, and even though we did expect that to happen we were surprised by the extent of the change and the time from the first scream to the arrival of the first tooth to the first real meal went by extremely fast.
So what will 2010 have for us? More big changes have to be expected on the horizon on all fronts. We are pretty confident, that Jakob and all the other little babies that have popped up with the group of our friends will remain the main drivers of changes and will keep us all very busy throughout the year, but we better expect the unexpected so we are not surprised about changes also on other fronts. Obviously the most important thing we are wishing for 2010 is health for our little superstar as well as our families and friends and for ourselves. As long as we are in good form, everything else can be mastered.
In this spirit: A happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to all of you!
Jakob, Kerstin & Markus